From a Knight to a Lady Chapter {{vm.ChapterDisplay(vm.Chapters[0].Chapter) + 1 | number:0}} is not yet available. Subscribe to get notified when it is released.
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From a Knight to a Lady
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  • From a Knight to a Lady

  • {{vm.NumSubs | number:0}}
  • Author(s): Ink, SUNG Hye-rim
  • Genre(s): Fantasy, Historical, Romance, Shoujo
  • Type: Manhwa
  • Released: 2021
  • Official Translation: Yes
  • Status: Ongoing (Scan), Ongoing (Publish)
  • RSS: RSS Feed
  • Description:
    Estelle meets her untimely death as a valiant knight of the Kingdom of Ersha. But death is not the end for Estelle -- three years after her demise, she finds herself reincarnated in the body of Lucifela Aydin, the spoiled and cold-hearted daughter of a count in the Empire of Jansgar. To her dismay, she finds that her country fell to Jansgar years ago, and that she is now betrothed to Zedekiah Heint, the son of a duke and her adversary in her previous life. Can Estelle discover the truth behind her death while attempting to navigate her new life as Lucifela? The sword of my closest friend and trusted adjutant pierced my body... When I opened my eyes again, I had become a noble lady of the enemy kingdom. In an unfamiliar and weak stranger’s body, three year’s time was lost, in which my homeland was brought to ruin. I was unable to come to my senses because of the pain of betrayal and the confusion of my identity. However, I eventually decided to live on as 'Luciphella Aidine', a noble who wields a sword.
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